Let's Grow.


About Us

We are passionate about melding agriculture and technology and making them work for you. We want you to experience the financial rewards that come with applying cutting-edge technology to your operation. Our passion is making your equipment more efficient, so it works in a way that is more powerful, agronomically and financially.

We are a 360 Yield Center Dealer, 360 Y-DROP & 360 Undercover Custom Applicator and provider of 360 SOILSCAN Testing Services. 360 Yield Center gives you control with tools to help you precisely manage N availability by testing mid-season and applying more N where and when it’s needed. 360 Yield has conducted side-by-side trials across the Corn Belt that demonstrate how taking a base-plus nitrogen management approach improves yields and profits when compared to a one-and-done program. Additionally, 360 Yield Center is frequently unveiling new and innovative products beyond nitrogen management that strive to make many different aspects of your farm more productive and efficient.

We are also a Precision Planting Premier Dealer. Precision Planting has been driving planter improvement and innovation for over 20 years and is now the recognized leader in the field. As a Premier Dealer, we are proud to sell and support the entire Precision Planting product line. Our team has a deep understanding of planters and the crucial role they play in setting the stage for top yield potential.  We want to help growers be confident that each seed is given an optimum environment so every one of them contributes to profitability on their farm.

We can help you grow.

Let's Plant.

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360 Yield Center is fueled by its passion for the industry and their experience in maximizing crop potential. Their team of agricultural industry leaders in agronomy, engineering and product development work with and for you, the farmer, to gain control, make decisions and take action to capture more yield. And they know they can help you; in fact, they’ve used their own fields as the proving grounds for this new approach to farming.

Sprout Ag Enterprises is a 360 Yield Center Dealer, 360 Y-DROP Custom Applicator and provider of 360 SOILSCAN Testing Services.


We perform specialized applications of fertilizers and crop protection products using the latest technologies, especially 360 Y-Drop & 360 Undercover.  Coupled with our high clearance sprayer, capable of applying to tasseled corn, our services minimize crop damage, while maximizing efficiency and efficacy to help you build big yields. 

Precision Planting is a leader in Ag technology, with strong emphasis on perfecting the planter.  They develop innovative products to solve important agronomic problems facing growers today, along with providing valuable insight into maximizing crop yields.

Sprout Ag Enterprises is a Precision Planting Premier dealer.  We pride ourselves in having the training, equipment, inventory, and skills necessary to install and support Precision Planting’s full line of products in a manner that exceeds our customer’s expectations.

Products Offered


Let's Talk.


Sprout Ag Media


Sprout Ag Enterprises

20690 460th St. 
Lake Mills, IA 50450
